felt so used minute I saw you
suited stride wagging a pant leg
eyes couldn’t hide anything
saw you staring at my shirt
you knew what you were doing
I knew you’d never been cool
big-headed corgan doing a cruel jerk
dobermann-pinscher panting at your heels
leather leash in rawboned hands
& those bands it made
came fresh, so red / grave
as I was that first quarter
some barking awareness
tight at the throat
Emily Murman is a poet and mortician. She holds an MFA in creative writing from National University and has written four chapbooks, "SHRIVEL AND BLOOM" (Dancing Girl Press, June 2021), "I want your emergency" (Selcouth Station Press, July 2021), "all the light in here" (Ghost City Press, June 2023), and "hey nonino" (Dancing Girl Press, November 2024). Emily lives in Chicago with her husband and cat and can be found on Instagram @emilymurman.